Antimicrobial coating with nanoCare

Conventional disinfectants are good. The use of antimicrobial coatings the perfect additional protection around the clock. These have a lasting effect and offer lasting protection. What can be annoying or even dangerous to people, LiquidGuard kills. Bacteria, fungi and special viruses. Especially in times of a spreading pandemic, questions of hygiene and protection against infections are coming into focus. We at nanoCare provide the answers. With solutions that last: Liquid Guard – successfully tested against SARSCoV-2.

In times of infection waves and multi-resistant pathogens, protection means one thing above all: precaution. Frequent hand washing, wearing a mouth and nose protection or keeping safe distances should prevent common infection possibilities. Routes of infection are airborne via aerosols or surfaces with the risk of smear infections. Our antimicrobial coatings are effective against the latter. As permanent surface disinfection

What antimicrobial coatings do in the pandemic

  • Virucidal efficacy. Efficiently combats SARSCoV-2 and influenza A.Antibacterial
  • Surfaces. Broad bactericidal effects, even against multidrug-resistant germs thanks to physical mode of action.
  • Fungicide against fungi and spores. Common sources of infection are bathrooms and showers or even fitness equipment. LiquidGuard promises a permanent fungicidal function.
  • Mildew Inhibiting. Smooth, fibrous and unstructured surfaces benefit from a long-term fungicidal effect.
  • Odour-inhibiting. The anti-fouling effect results from the antibacterial effectiveness. Decay processes are contained.
  • Dermatologically tested. Clothing or mouth masks have an antimicrobial effect and guarantee skin-friendly protection against infection.

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Your advantages of our antimicrobial coatings

Easy to use & compatible.

Even if modern technologies work on the nano level with LiquidGuard. Self-disinfecting surfaces on clothing and furniture are dermatologically flawless and come without substances of concern such as SVHC, fluorine or PBT.


Groundbreaking technologies

Thanks to its specific composition, the LiquidGuard antimicrobial coating combines the competencies of an established surface protection with permanent disinfection. Increased scratch resistance meets sustainable surface disinfection.

Sealed surfaces

Surfaces made of glass or plastic are only smooth at first glance. Only under the microscope does it become clear: unevenness and crater landscapes everywhere. Sealants such as LiquidGuard smooth out this relief and thereby increase durability.

The secret of success!

LiquidGuard can celebrate lasting success as an antimicrobial surface protection. This distinguishes our product from conventional disinfectants. Of course: Substances such as chlorine dioxide or hydrogen peroxide also have a bactericidal and sporicidal effect. Their mode of action is chemical in that they split off oxygen as an oxidizing agent. But this means that their effect is limited in time. nanoCare achieves a paradigm shift in the area of infection control. With the antimicrobial coatings of LiquidGuard, we transform surfaces into sharp-edged blade fields of carbon molecules. At the nano level, we translate the bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal effect into the physical. Whereas with conventional disinfectants chemical processes lead to the death of microbes, with antimicrobial coatings negatively charged cell walls are attracted by positively charged nitrogen molecules. The result: the sharp-edged surface structure physically destroys the cell wall of pathogens. The bacterium decays.

Interested in the revolution of sustainable surface disinfection?

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LiquidGuard. Your professional for antimicrobial coating.

Where antimicrobial coatings are indispensable. For sustainable protection against infection.

The LiquidGuard antimicrobial coating provides you with a self-disinfecting surface treatment that has a lasting effect. The advantage of durability results from the modified surface structure, which allows carbon molecules to protrude with sharp edges.


Sources of infection are often located outdoors. Dangerous sources are droplets or aerosols. And of course contact/smear infections via surfaces. Sick and elderly people are dependent on increased hygiene standards. LiquidGuard has a bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal effect in hospitals as permanent protection against infection:

  • Ultrasound heads, stethoscopes or electrodes
  • handrails, door handles, bedsteads or table tops
  • medical equipment

Has your interest in our antimicrobial sealant been piqued?

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LiquidGuard nanoCare antimikrobielle Beschichtung Krankenhäuser

Nursing homes and homes for the elderly

Nursing homes and homes for the elderly are also in the focus of infection prevention. Similar to hospitals, operators can benefit from comprehensive antimicrobial surface protection. LiquidGuard offers permanent infection protection as surface protection. You can profit from

  • Control panels in intensive care or quarantine wards
  • Surfaces with a high risk of infection (e.g. door handles & shelves)
  • Floor coverings and sanitary facilities
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Liquidguard nanoCare antimikrobielle Beschichtung Plfegeeinrichtungen

Rescue services and transports

When it comes to initial care at the scene of an accident or medical emergency, rescue services perform vital work. In this respect, ambulances resemble mobile doctor’s surgeries or small hospitals. At least as far as the basic equipment and, of course, the hygienic standards are concerned. Contact and smear infections also pose risks here. By using antimicrobial coatings such as LiquidGuard, you eliminate surfaces as potential carriers of germs in the emergency vehicle. Sustainable and permanent.

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LiquidGuard NanoCare antimikrobielle Beschichtung Rettungsdienste


Fitness studios are also among the beneficiaries of LiquidGuard. Important here are numerous pieces of equipment that are used while seated on benches using handles. Barbell benches, spinning and rowing machines or leg presses. If you want to enforce a sustainable infection protection in your gym, you should eliminate all these surfaces as germ sources and thus transmission paths. The reason also lies in the athletes themselves. If massive strength or intensive endurance training is practiced, the immune system’s performance temporarily decreases. The so-called open-window effect makes athletes more susceptible to infections.

Health and fitness go hand in hand? We think so too.

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LiquidGuard NanoCare antimikrobielle Beschichtung


When countless passengers sit in a confined space, things get tricky. Since COVID-19, the problem situation within aviation has become a matter of general awareness. Antimicrobial coatings provide precautionary protection against infection on all problematic surfaces.

  • folding dining tables
  • Serving trays
  • knobs and control surfaces for light and ventilation
  • sanitary surfaces on board toilets
  • door handles & seat backs
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Die Methode der Wahl zur Oberflächenbehandlung in der Luftfahrt

Office & Work

Where people work together on a daily basis, infection control must be a top priority. No matter whether in open-plan offices or in small businesses. The antimicrobial coating from nanoCare provides preventive infection protection where smear infections are a daily threat:

  • Control panels and keys on machines
  • PC keyboards and touch displays of company mobile phones or tablets
  • Door handles and sanitary facilities
  • Water dispensers & coffee machines
  • Surfaces in ventilation systems
  • Stainless steel railings and elevators including operating elements

Nothing works without employees. With LiquidGuard you realize a permanent surface disinfection that pays off. Interested?

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Antimikrobielle Beschichtung-Büro

Public facilities

As a result of the COVID 19 pandemic, there was a temporary shutdown. Not only private-sector facilities, but also public authorities, schools and universities suspended operations. Antimicrobial coatings are a good way of providing sustainable protection against infection for citizens.

  • Elevators & control buttons
  • Writing utensils in public authorities such as registration offices
  • sanitary facilities
  • Door handles and control buttons of payment machines
  • ceramic surfaces in toilets & shower rooms

Since Corona, infection control has been a ubiquitous requirement. We realize this sustainably. On almost all relevant surfaces.

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Antimikrobielle Beschichtung öffentliche Einrichtungen nanoCare

Where antimicrobial coatings work everywhere.

You can use LiquidGuard on conventional smooth surfaces such as

  • Glass, metals,
  • wood, ceramics, stone,
  • natural materials, composites

This includes air filters for furnaces, air conditioners, air cleaning equipment, motor vehicles and vehicle parts.

Better safe than sorry. If you want to protect building materials from mold and fungus in the long term, LiquidGuard is a great antimicrobial coating. You can profit from:

  • Roofing materials (such as tiles, foil, felt, underlayment or synthetic coatings)
  • Building components and materials such as stainless steel
  • Concrete products (dry concrete and mortar mixtures)
  • Stone slabs

Smartphones, door handles and tables are things we touch every day. Turn these everyday objects into self-disinfecting surfaces. Simply with LiquidGuard. For sustainable infection protection.

  • Touch screens of smartphones, displays or all-in-one PCs
  • Worktops without food contact
  • Vacuum cleaner bags & filters
  • Furniture such as tables, chair backs, drawer handles
  • Sports equipment (dumbbells, kettlebells, sandbags, etc.)
  • Bathrooms (handles of electronic toothbrushes)
  • Toilets & toilet bins
  • Containers such as trash cans or storage boxes

Disinfect clothes all the time? You don’t have to anymore. Via the LiquidGuard antimicrobial coating, fabrics and other fibrous surfaces (natural and synthetic, woven and non-woven) become self-disinfecting. Furniture, upholstery or awnings also benefit.

    • Mouth and nose cover. Mouth coverings are used to protect against infection, but they also tend to promote germs. With LiquidGuard you get double protection.
    • Sports & Outdoors. Synthetic sportswear, tents and sleeping bags are exposed to sweat, water and temperature fluctuations in outdoor environments.
    • Clothing & Footwear. Clothing, leisurewear; also pyjamas, socks, hosiery, underwear, gloves and uniforms; footwear (boots, shoes and accessories).
    • Furniture and interiors. Upholstery covers (coarse and glossy) & furniture; pillow & mattress covers; bed sheets & blankets; bedspreads.
    • Garden & Patio. Awnings and sunsails antimicrobial protection.
    • Bath & Shower. Towels & shower curtains. Condensing water and strong temperature fluctuations favour mould.

These questions are often asked about antimicrobial coating.

Basically, an antimicrobial coated surface is like a field of blades. The molecules form strong tips that literally slash the cell walls of the germs. This is where the bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal effect comes from.
Everywhere, where surface disinfections are indispensable. Primarily hospitals, old people’s homes or doctors’ surgeries, i.e. in areas where minor infections can be potentially dangerous – among the sick and elderly. Under the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the problem of infection protection became part of everyday consciousness and predestined antimicrobial coatings as solutions for the entire public sector: buses, trains, schools or universities.
The advantage of antimicrobial coatings is their broad spectrum of activity. In contrast to antibacterial surface treatments, coatings such as LiquidGuard from nanoCare restructure surfaces at the nano level in a sustainable manner, thereby guaranteeing permanent solutions not only through bactericidal, but also virucidal and fungicidal properties.
In fact, independent institutes have demonstrated efficacy against the viruses Influenza A as well as SARS TGEV. It can therefore be concluded that the LiquidGuard antimicrobial coating is also effective against the globally rampant SARS-CoV-2 virus, which is commonly known as the coronavirus and causes the lung disease COVID-19.

What our customers say



Toni Jacquot,NanoProtection, フランス

Kundenstimme Nanoprotection FrankreichToni Jacquot

私たちは、さまざまなビジネス分野で最新のソリューションを提供できる、革新的な企業を探していました。Nano Careは、私たちがどのような会社で、どのような市場で活動しているのかを理解するために時間をかけてくれました。これまでに、同社の建築物や繊維の保護製品、自動車用のDuraセラミックコーティング、革新的な抗菌コーティング「Liquid Guard」などを扱ってきました。お客様からいただく声は、満足度の高いものばかりです。私たちは、ナノケアと協力し、彼らのソリューションを導入することを心からお勧めします。

Grigor Mihov ,CEO Nano Coat ブルガリア

Kundenstimme Nano Coat BulgarienGrigor Mihov

Nano-Care AG 国際航空市場における販売パートナーとして、リキッドガード技術を搭載した製品をAIRBUS社に認定してもらい、この種の製品としては初めて、すべての客室でウイルスや細菌から表面を保護するための製品としてリストアップすることができました。
表面をコーティングするリキッドガード技術は、”メイド・イン・ジャーマニー “の科学的革新の成果として実証されており、現在だけでなく将来にわたって、私たち全員の健康を守るために重要な役割を果たすでしょう。
Nano CareAG のパートナーとしてのサービス、専門的で科学的なサポート、そして協力は、あらゆる点で傑出しており、模範的であると評価することができます。
特に、Fabienne Hennessen博士には感謝しています。

Jörg Schukies 。 AIRDAL GmbH/ Decorative Products GmbH;Quality System Manager /Quality Auditor

Kundenmeinung Jörg SchukiesJörg Schukies


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