Finally harmless waterproofing agents – PFC free

PFCs and their by-products are no longer allowed in the manufacture of impregnating solutions. The market for waterproofing agents was hit hard by this. Through intensive research, Nano-Care was able to replace the fluorine compounds with silicon oxide. In addition, the other technical properties of Nano-Care waterproofing solution have also been greatly improved.

Challenge of a PFC free waterproofing

A waterproofing is used to protect an absorbent, fine-capillary fabric against water penetration. Typical applications for waterproofing are tents, sails, awnings, gazebos, garden umbrellas and especially the fabric roofs of convertibles. Since these products are mainly cared for and maintained by the private users themselves, health safety is of crucial importance. In an industrial setting, a health hazard for users can be ruled out with the help of suitable rooms, work equipment and prescribed protective clothing. This possibility exists only to a very limited extent in the case of agents for end users. An agent that is PFC-free is a suitable approach to this.

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Herausforderung einer PFC freien Imprägnierung

Services and performance

PFC-free waterproofing agents offer excellent performance for waterproofing textile fabrics to the exclusion of any health hazards. Apart from allergic reactions, the silicon-based waterproofing agents is completely harmless to health, but highly effective. In addition, the silicon-based waterproofing agents is ecologically safe. Nano-Care has significantly improved performance over the old formulas. The sealants are more durable and hold up under heavy use. For example, the convertible roof can easily be folded up several times and stored in the roof box – the waterproofing remains intact.

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Leistung und Performance von PFC Freier Imprägnierung

Use of Nano-Care waterproofing agents

Nano-Care waterproofing agents is suitable for sealing all textile fabrics. It does not fade and does not attack any type of fiber. It is therefore equally suitable for cotton as for vinyl or nylon fabrics. The range of its applications is correspondingly high: sunshades, sun sails, tents, pavilions and fabric roofs of convertibles can be sustainably sealed for many weeks with Nano-Care in consistent quality.

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PFC frei Einsatz Imprägnierung

Your advantages with Nano-Care

Icon PFC Frei

PFC-free is more durable

Tests in the laboratory have shown that the PFC-freie waterproofing longer adheres to textile surfaces.

Icon PFC frei besser

PFC-free is better

As it turns out, the performance of the silicon-based impregnant is far superior to the old PFC-containing agents.

Icon unbedenklich

Harmless to health

A waterproofing agents, which is PFC-free, can be used to a large extent without additional measures. The new agent no longer poses a long-term, direct health hazard.

Icon ökologisch

PFC-free is ecological

A tight convertible fabric roof without harming the environment is a beautiful thing. Today’s pleasure does not have to be at the expense of tomorrow’s generations – on the contrary.

How the waterproofing

PFC means “perfluorocarbon”, so they are compounds of fluorine and carbon. The agent was discovered by chance in 1953 and was initially produced as a cleaning agent. Later it became a main ingredient of fire extinguishing foams, used in chrome plating and as an impregnating agent.

It came under criticism when it was found to be harmful to health. To make matters worse, PFC-containing waterproofing agents is contaminated with the byproducts PFOS and PFOA. These by-products are also considered extremely harmful to health and their use, especially for consumer products, is now prohibited by law.

Nano-Care has succeeded in replacing the PFC with the aid of simple silicon compounds, i.e. quartz sand. The result is a product that is completely harmless to health – and at the same time offers improved performance compared to the old agents containing PFCs.

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These questions are frequently asked on the subject of PFC-free waterproofing.

Fabric-waterproofing agents should only be used for textile fabrics. For leather and vinyl, Nano-Care offers more suitable agents.

One waterproofing at the start of the season and one before storing the convertible in a dry place are usually quite sufficient.

The innovative Nano-Care is ecologically and healthwise as far as possible harmless. What can never be excluded are type-dependent sensitivities or allergic reactions. We therefore always recommend wearing a mouthguard when applying waterproofing.

We generally recommend washing a convertible with a fabric roof by hand wash only. The rotating brushes of a car wash are always hard on a soft top. Accordingly, you should renew the waterproofing once you have driven the convertible through the car wash.

What our customers say

We were looking for an innovative company that could provide modern solutions in different business areas. Nano Care took the time to understand who we are as a company and the market in which we operate. So far, we have worked with their building and textile protection products, Dura ceramic coatings for automobiles, and the revolutionary Liquid Guard antimicrobial coating. The feedback we receive from our customers is more than satisfactory. We wholeheartedly recommend working with Nano Care and implementing their solutions.

Grigor Mihov , CEO Nano Coat Bulgaria

Kundenstimme Nano Coat BulgarienGrigor Mihov

As Nano-Care AG sales partner in the international aviation market, we were able to successfully qualify and list the product with the Liquid-Guard technology by AIRBUS as the first product of this kind for the protection of surfaces against viruses and germs in all cabins.
The Liquid-Guard technology for surface coating is a proven result of scientific innovation “Made in Germany”, which will not only currently, but also in the future, play an important role in the protection of our health.
The service and the professional, scientific support as well as the cooperation for us as partners of Nano Care AG, we can only rate as outstanding and exemplary in every respect.
In particular, we would like to thank Dr. Fabienne Hennessen for her work.

Jörg Schukies , AIRDAL GmbH / Decorative Products GmbH; Quality System Manager / Quality Auditor

Kundenmeinung Jörg SchukiesJörg Schukies

A very professional team!

Nanocare is a reputable company with excellent products, probably the best nanoproducts on the market.
They have been a reliable partner for many years.

Toni Jacquot, NanoProtection, France

Kundenstimme Nanoprotection FrankreichToni Jacquot


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