High-quality glass sealing from Nano-Care

Cleaning windows is one of the thankless household chores – cleaning with conventional care products is usually not particularly sustainable. The first downpour provides renewed soiling. And water stains caused by lime deposits. In other places, too, we encounter glass surfaces in everyday life that get dirty again just as quickly and stubbornly. Whether ceramic hobs or glass tables. But there are also alternatives. One is the nano coating of glass surfaces.

Why glass sealing works

Glass seems smooth – surely water and dirt shouldn’t find a foothold there anyway? Everyday life teaches us otherwise: What appears to be smooth and should provide no basis for dirt appears to be a mountain range when viewed under a microscope. The unevenness in the structure of the glass ensures that sand and dust are deposited just as much as lime and other components of water. Glass doors absorb the grease from fingers just as a rim of water from a drink remains visible on a glass table. Has your interest in our glass sealing been aroused? You can now keep your glass table or window area clean with glass sealing from Nano-Care.

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Effect on the nano level

The nano-effect glass sealant attacks the problem at its root: the sealant fills the small “craters” of the surface structure of the glass, making the surface no longer able to hold water and dirt. You can now benefit from this advance by keeping your glass tables or window surfaces permanently clean because dirt and rainwater simply roll off. At a glance, these are the benefits of nanosealing:

  • They are more sustainable than common cleaning sets for glass
  • They act on the only microscopically tangible nano level
  • The protective effect lasts for months or even years

Protect your glass surface from limescale and dirt with our glass sealant.

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Your advantages with Nano-Care

Icon weniger Schmutz

Less dirt

The soiling of all glass surfaces, whether indoors or outdoors, is reduced.

Icon Schimmel

Prevents mold

Sealer treated shower stalls dry faster, which prevents the formation of mold.

Icon Reinigung

Easy to clean

Subsequent cleaning is easier because the limescale is less firmly attached to the glass.

The sustainability of our glass sealing

More and more people are asking, quite rightly, whether we are being careful enough with the environment. For a long time, the use of aggressive cleaners, especially for glass surfaces, seemed indispensable. Of course, it is also not a solution to let one’s own windows get dirty again and again and to do without cleaning just because aggressive cleaning agents should no longer be used. And so most people put up with contamination, especially of water bodies, in that surfactants from cleaning agents, for example, end up in the groundwater. But this is not necessary at all, as our sealant shows: Once you have applied the sealant, a microfiber cloth and clear water will easily suffice for future cleaning.

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The lotus effect in nature

The beading effect is also often called the lotus effect, because the lotus leaves also allow raindrops to bead off completely. Products that benefit from this effect are often also referred to as “self-cleaning” because the moisture that runs off washes away possible dirt at the same time. It is easy to see the advantages of glass sealing. Cleaning is quicker and the cleanliness lasts longer.

Why glass sealing works

The human eye does not recognize much of the structure of the glass. The elevations and craters of the glass structure, which are visible under multiple magnification, cannot be seen without technical aids. If glass surfaces are freed of all dirt, however, the coarse structure is exposed under the microscope – and can be sealed by means of a nano coating. This sealant permanently fills the craters and provides a flat surface that will last for years. Our sealant literally forms a chemical bond with the glass that cannot be easily removed. As a result, you benefit from high durability. And of course, this connection also ensures that the glass can no longer combine with unwanted minerals or dirt. It doesn’t even have to be limescale marks that you notice in this way. As soon as water stains dry, the glass becomes dull and there is not much left of the old shine. You benefit from the hydrophobic effect.

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Hydrophobic surfaces

There are other conventional cleaners that promise to provide a long-lasting shine. However, this is not technically possible in the long term, because new soiling of the glass surfaces can in no way be prevented by an alcohol-based cleaner. And so you should better invest in an effective sealant with nano-effect, so that an effect can really be registered. The soiling of all glass surfaces, whether indoors or outdoors, is reduced by our high-quality products. If you treat windows or, for example, glass tables with such a nano coating as Nanoflex VP 20, then new soiling is significantly delayed.

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Hydrophobe Oberfläche

Low cleaning due to oleophobicity

By the way, the advantage can be used not only outdoors: bathrooms can also be treated with a glass sealant, which accelerates drying after bathing or showering. This not only prevents limescale marks, but also significantly reduces the risk of mold growth in the bathroom. Ultimately, you also make an important contribution to the health of yourself and your family through nano coating.

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Possible applications of the glass sealant

As a material, glass is a true classic: in principle, glass is sand that is brought to a temperature of over 1400 °C and then melts. By removing impurities and adding other ingredients, a material is obtained that can be formed into almost any shape and is also completely odorless and tasteless. Of course, it is also transparent quite stable, resistant to aging and relatively inexpensive. So there are many reasons why glass surrounds us almost constantly in everyday life.

But how exactly should you apply the sealant? First of all, a thorough cleaning is necessary so that there are no impurities left and the surface is also free of grease. The nano coating should form a durable bond with the glass so that you can benefit from the nano effect in the coming months or even years. Of course, this is not possible if the glass surface is still dirty. After that, you can use a microfiber cloth and apply the sealant. Use our product sparingly, this will simplify the application by making it easier to polish out. After 24 hours, you can test the effect by dripping a little water on the treated surfaces and watch the moisture roll off within seconds.

These questions are often asked about glass sealing.

A glass sealant is a product that permanently protects the glass surfaces In your home and outdoors from re-pollution. This protection is achieved by smoothing the structure of the glass, so that rainwater and dirt no longer find a foothold. Simple soiling can also be removed with much less effort, making window cleaning easier in the future. The environment and the household budget benefit because you can do without buying glass cleaners in the future. After a sealant has been applied, a microfiber cloth in combination with water is sufficient to remove dirt from the window surfaces and make them shine again.

The special advantage of nano coating is that all dirt is kept away from the glass surface. By smoothing the surface structure, dirt and water simply no longer find a foothold on the glass structure. If the water beads off immediately, then minerals such as lime can also no longer remain on the glass as soon as the water evaporates. So it doesn’t matter whether you simply want to protect your glass surfaces from rain or are worried about fly droppings – the impurities are significantly reduced and can be removed with considerably less effort.

It is not possible to make general statements about this, because the durability of such a glass sealant always depends on the weather conditions. However, you can assume that the sealing will ensure that the soiling of the window surfaces decreases significantly for a few years and that glass is also protected from soiling in outdoor areas. You should keep in mind how easy it is to clean the glass surfaces using only a microfiber cloth and water. Based on this, you can see for yourself whether it is necessary to re-treat the glass surfaces with our sealant so that the nano-effect is fully restored.

The special advantage of our products is that you can apply the gas sealant yourself. All that is needed, apart from the product itself, is a microfiber cloth. The application is very easy to carry out after cleaning the windows and saves you further costs, because you do not have to hire a professional for the sealing. Another piece of good news is that our glass sealer can be used very sparingly, so the high yield ensures low costs across all window surfaces.

First, of course, cleaning glass surfaces is not one of most people’s favorite tasks. Therefore, it is an advantage to be able to reduce the frequency of these cleaning processes – and sealing the surfaces is perfect for this. However, you should also consider another aspect: Basically, glass is robust and weather-resistant, if it is not just wantonly destroyed. Conventional glass, however, which has not been particularly hardened, is quite sensitive. So-called micro-scratches quickly become visible if cleaning is done too frequently and too aggressively. However, for window surfaces that do not have a nano coating, such cleaning is often the only way to permanently remove dirt. Many window cleaners cause streaks and a lackluster surface if cleaning is done in sunlight or if the user doses the cleaning agent incorrectly. So, not only does it serve your comfort to make window cleaning as easy and infrequent as possible – it also quite simply protects your windows. In addition, you should not disregard the fact that many cleaning products – as effective as they are in removing dirt from glass surfaces – tend to attack materials other than glass. Alcohol-based cleaners in particular behave aggressively towards rubber seals and plastic window frames.

What our customers say

We were looking for an innovative company that could provide modern solutions in different business areas. Nano Care took the time to understand who we are as a company and the market in which we operate. So far, we have worked with their building and textile protection products, Dura ceramic coatings for automobiles, and the revolutionary Liquid Guard antimicrobial coating. The feedback we receive from our customers is more than satisfactory. We wholeheartedly recommend working with Nano Care and implementing their solutions.

Grigor Mihov , CEO Nano Coat Bulgaria

Kundenstimme Nano Coat BulgarienGrigor Mihov

A very professional team!

Nanocare is a reputable company with excellent products, probably the best nanoproducts on the market.
They have been a reliable partner for many years.

Toni Jacquot, NanoProtection, France

Kundenstimme Nanoprotection FrankreichToni Jacquot

As Nano-Care AG sales partner in the international aviation market, we were able to successfully qualify and list the product with the Liquid-Guard technology by AIRBUS as the first product of this kind for the protection of surfaces against viruses and germs in all cabins.
The Liquid-Guard technology for surface coating is a proven result of scientific innovation “Made in Germany”, which will not only currently, but also in the future, play an important role in the protection of our health.
The service and the professional, scientific support as well as the cooperation for us as partners of Nano Care AG, we can only rate as outstanding and exemplary in every respect.
In particular, we would like to thank Dr. Fabienne Hennessen for her work.

Jörg Schukies , AIRDAL GmbH / Decorative Products GmbH; Quality System Manager / Quality Auditor

Kundenmeinung Jörg SchukiesJörg Schukies


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